OBW Technologies are delighted to announce that we have been nominated for The Best SME Contribution to the Region Award 2022.

As one of three nominees, we will go to battle alongside Serosap and Designpro Automations for the final award on the 18th of November at The Limerick Chamber Regional Business Awards and Presidents Dinner.

The Limerick Chamber Regional Business Awards now in its 11th year of fruition is held annually by Limerick Chambers and The Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest, the awards are designed to acknowledge companies in the local region who strive for success each day. The awards are designed to recognise the hard work, commitment and innovative approach each company has showcased which has contributed to the growth of the company and in turn the region itself.

The Limerick Chamber Regional Business Awards will award The Best SME of the Year award to an organisation, trading for more than 3 years, based in the Mid-West Region, that is striving to create world-class products and services, setting the highest benchmarks and optimising opportunities in their marketplace.

To be recognised for this award is such a big achievement and a huge honour for OBW Technologies. It is a clear reflection of years of hard work whilst continuing to bring together a team with the best minds in all things gas detection.

Excitement is building as we now look forward to the main event in just a few weeks time !!

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